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Simple Video Chat with jitsi-meet

von | Mrz 1, 2017 | Linux, Technology, Team

Oftentimes you have colleagues working on different sites, even different countries and time zones have gotten more and more common in todays world of work.
You can easily keep connected by multiple means like Chat, Email, landline, mobile phones, messaging apps, social networks, VoIP… You get my point.
Most of these means have several disadvantages to consider:

  • no video functionality
  • no sovereignty about the transmitted data
  • no availability of thorough debugging
  • need of dedicated client application

These topics can be tackled by an OpenSource VideoChat Application: jitsi-meet
There is a quick installation guide available, (yes, there are docker images)and you can also try it via a demo system.
The package installs several components: jitsi-videobridge (WebRTC), jitisi-meet (JavaScript), nginx (http access), prosody (XMPP), OpenJDK7 (JRE)
While setting up the system, you’re prompted to configure  the domain name respectively the $IP of the host. In a second step, you’re asked to set a certificate for SSL-encryption.

You’re allowed to use your own certificate or jitsi-meet creates a self-signed certificate for you (this might be handy for having just a quick glance at jitsi-meet)
jitsi-meet then provides an easily accessible chat room for many concurrent user who can (voice)chat, share screens and video chat.
To set up a chat room, simply point your browser (Chrome worked best in our environment) to https://$IP:443 and enter a name for the room into the dialogue box.

You’ll be then redirected to the room and can start setting a password for the room and share the link to your room with others.

This is just a short overview about the possibilities of jitsi-meet, give it a try and have fun!

Tim Albert
Tim Albert
Senior Systems Engineer

Tim kommt aus einem kleinen Ort zwischen Nürnberg und Ansbach, an der malerischen B14 gelegen. Er hat in Erlangen Lehramt und in Koblenz Informationsmanagement studiert. Seit Anfang 2016 ist er bei uns tätig. Zuerst im Managed Services Team, dort kümmerte Tim sich um Infrastrukturthemen und den internen Support, um dann 2019 - zusammen mit Marius - Gründungsmitglied der ITSM Abteilung zu werden. In seiner Freizeit engagiert sich Tim in der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr – als Maschinist und Atemschutzgeräteträger -, spielt im Laientheater Bauernschwänke und ist auch handwerklich ein absolutes Allroundtalent. Angefangen von Mauern hochziehen bis hin zur KNX-Verkabelung ist er jederzeit...

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