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Monthly Snap October > Hackathon, Telegram, HW-group, OSBConf, MacOS, Monitoring Windows, Colleagues

von | Nov 3, 2016 | Icinga, Team, Monitoring & Observability, OSMC, Mac, OSBC

Insnsp Oktober, Julia H. bagan with announcing the OSMC-Hackathon while Gunnar told us about speech recognition as a security risk.
Vanessa presented our house for the NETWAYS-Skiseminar 2017 and Markus Frosch gave an insight in Telegram Notifications of Icinga 2.
Isabel followed with new HW-group Updates and Jennifer and Lukas introduced themselves.
Furthermore, Julia H. gave an OSBConf Review and Martin K. showed how to send SMS with a GFI Fax Maker.
Jean explained Monitoring Windows with Icinga 2 an NSCP whereas Thilo demonstrated the Icinga 2 API and BitBar at MacOS.
Finally, Oktober ended up with the announcement oft the last OSMC-tickets.

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