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To secure one of the last few remaining OSDC tickets you will have to be FAST & FURIOUS!

von | Apr 12, 2016 | Technology, Container, OSDC, Elastic Stack, Graphite & Grafana

osdc_aktuelles_Konfbanner_registerThe Open Source Data Center Conference highlights current challenges and opportunities of open source software in data centers and huge IT environments, while covering the entire scope of OS data center solutions.
This year’s conference program is focused on the thematic topics INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE, CONTAINERS AND DATABASES and TOOLS & INFRASTRUCTURE. Besides that, you can – as always – look forward to the the conferences‘ second key feature: the great and exclusive opportunity for exchange of ideas and latest knowledge as well as in-depth discussions with other experienced professionals and well known experts in the field of OS data center solutions. To get a first impression, check out our evening event location as well as the relaxed and casual atmosphere provided by the conference venue.
The high class speaker line-up 2016 includes OS-experts as Jörg Schad, software engineer at Mesosphere, supporting the Apache Mesos Project; Monica Sarbu, creator of the Packetbeat open source project and team lead of the Beats inside Elastic; Jonathan Boulle, working at CoreOS; Dawn Foster, consultant at The Scale Factory; Kris Buytaert, one of the instigators of the devops movement, currently working for Inuits; Ján Lieskovský, software engineer at Red Hat and many more.
Secure your ticket now and profit from the comprehensive experience of international OS specialists, proven best practices and the get latest know-how for your daily practice!
If you are lucky you might even catch one of the strictly limited workshop seats, that are still available. Workshop topics are: ADVANCED GRAPHING – with Graphite, DOCKER – Virtual Containers and ELASTIC STACK – Enterprise Logfile Management.

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

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