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Monthly Snap January: Icinga 2.3., Icinga Web 2 and CfP Backup Conference

von | Feb 1, 2015 | Icinga, WeeklySnap, OSBC

In January, we were focusing a lot on all the news that are happening in the Icinga cosmos. Gunnar told us about the new cameraFeatures in Icinga 2.3 like setting conditional statements, the development console or the manipulation of dictionaries with datatypes.
Johannes schmoozed about one of our favorite projects at the moment: a barrier-free version of Icinga Web2.  Alexander followed up the topic with giving some examples on the HTML level for how a barrier-free software works.
Besides all Icinga related news, I gave the starting signal for the Call for papers at Open Sounce Backup Conference on Bareos.

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