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LConf 1.4.2 with Icinga 2 export, LConf Web Bugfix releases

von | Jun 18, 2014 | Monitoring & Observability, Icinga

lconf_logo_2LConf 1.4.2 contains several bug fixes, and adds export compatibility for the Icinga 2 2.0.0 configuration syntax again. There were massive changes ongoing ever since Icinga 2 0.0.9 which rendered the feature unusable for a while now. Luckily the Icinga team (yeah, me too actually) finally released Icinga 2 2.0.0 on Monday, so we’ve fixed LConf 1.4.x in order to make LConf users happy as well 🙂 logo_icinga3
LConf for Icinga Web 1.4.0 contains plenty bugfixes and now follows the same version schema such as the LConf backend. The standalone Web has been updated too.
Keep in mind that the Icinga 2 export does not add any new features introduced with Icinga 2 2.0.0 (apply rules, etc) but only acts as compatibility layer, replacing any required migration script around. If you are interested in the new capabilities Icinga 2 (configuration) introduces, join the Icinga 2 training (I am one of the trainers) – or fetch the latest iX magazine special issue featuring an Icinga 2 article written by me.
Have fun with LConf!

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