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Why you shouldn't miss OSBConf 2018 – #6

von | Sep 22, 2018 | OSBC, Storage und Backup, Technology, Events

Being too busy to worry about backup, is like being too busy driving a car to put on the seatbelt. — T.E. Ronneberg
Don’t miss the latest Backup Solutions! This year’s conference program includes wellknown Backup specialists and their latest findings, such as:
Toshaan Bharvani (VanTosh): „Schroedingers Backup“
Gratien D’haese (IT3 Consultants): „Relax-and-Recover Automated Testing with Bareos“
Daniel Neuberger (NETWAYS): „Restore and Backup Elasticsearch Indices“
Maik Außendorf & Philipp Storz (Bareos): „What’s new in Bareos 18“
To see the whole conference program visit:
In 2017 Josef Weingand talked about why Tape is essential for your Backup environment!
Check out his talk!

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